The radio and electronics blog of Carl Ratcliffe, M0ICR
During these tricky conditions on HF I have been enjoying a little 6m activity as we start to see some Sporadic E appearing. Sadly, most activity seems to be on FT8 these days, but I have managed a few SSB QSO also, including some shorter range inter-G stuff for VHF WAB square.
For those who are not aware, these are some useful 6m resources:
Make More Miles on VHF: https://www.mmmonvhf.de
Jim Bacon’s 6m Blog at Propquest: https://www.propquest.co.uk/blog.php?date=2024-05-13
DX Maps: Real QSO mapping https://www.dxmaps.com/spots/mapg.php
6m Desktop: https://uksmg.org/desktop.php
The 6m desktop is hosted on the UK Six Metre Group pages (membership of the UKSMG is highly recommended if you get bitten by the 6m bug)!