Just a few images from our last Drowned Rats outing. This is the RSGB 144MHz and 432MHz October Contest.
Rats on parade were: M0SAT (Dave), G7LRQ (Anthony), 2E1LEX (Alex), M0ICR (Carl), M0ZRG (Gene) and a very welcome visit from Gordon G3WYG and his XYL Fiona.
Category: VHF DXing
RSGB 6m UKAC November 2021
Quite happy with my tally considering I was using an HF long wire!

Nice SpE into the Canary Islands and Maderia

6m UKAC 10th June 2021
Good fun with plenty of SpE for the first 90 mins. Hard work without the big beam, just the Moxon tonight and low power.

Another good night for cross Atlantic DX on 6m
Nice to work Brazil on 6m
FT8 QSO on 50,323, I’ve worked Paulo PV8DX a couple of times in previous years but it’s nice to have him in the log again. Best 6m DX in 2021 (so far!):

Update: LOTW confirmation:

USA 6m squares confirmed

Great 6m conditions into USA and Canada

A bunch of new states in the log on 6m (I hope they do LOTW!). Great to be heard on the West Coast!
… and for some variety:

afternote …
Jim Bacon posted on last night’s activity and conditions on his excellent PropQuest blog: PROPquest | Es Blog

Great condx on 6m – VP2, KP4 and 2 x PJ4
Great conditions tonight on 6m. Delighted to work 2 new DXCC on 6m FT8: Anguilla and Bonaire.

A busy band tonight:

A pleasing logbook!

First UKAC of 2021
It was pleasant to enter the first RSGB UK Activity Contest (UKAC) on Tuesdy night. Being the first Tuesday of the month this contest was on 2m (144MHz).
Activity levels were good although conditions were nothing special with many reporting high levels of QRM and deep QSO. It was particularly disappointing now to work any /P stations (portable operating is not allowed under current VHFCC contest rules, in accordance with HM Government Covid restriction in ‘Lockdown 3’). I did miss working some of the stalwarts of the UKAC like Chris (G4FZN/P) and Pauline up in IO94 and Gordon (G8PNN) in IO95. Despite missing some of these regulars it was a pleasure to work, amongst others Gordon (another Gordon!) GI6ATZ for my ODX at a shade under 500km.
Here is my map of contests map, note that there’s nothing much to the South / South East – I have rotten take-off in that direction.

CT1IUA on 6m – Winter Es with GB2NY

I will be operating GB2NY until 4th January 2021
Small Winter Es opening on 6m

My all-time best DX on 144MHz

LOTW confirmation
6m Addict
Really useful site to check if 6m is open and to see who is working who when it is!

VHF NFD 2019

Working G7RAU/P at the Lizard, Cornwall on 2m
Working G7RAU/P from the Lizard, Cornwall, using 50W and just 4 element Tonna in the garden this morning. Digital mode is ISCAT-A and the application is WSJT by K1JT. -8dB / -9dB each way … good copy of Dave’s digital signal. The image below shows the full QSO exchange.Distance = 380Km.
Subsequent QSO’s with Dave followed on CW and USB