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The radio and electronics blog of Carl Ratcliffe, M0ICR
Rather like the excellent D70Box project (see elsewhere on this blog) the Arduino Shackbox project was also published in Practical Wireless.
This really useful device can be made for around £15 and provide a handy GPS controlled clock, locator information, Lat and Long, Worked All Britain Square and much more.
Inspired by Martin Waller’s (G0PJO) article in the October edition of practical wireless I have been making an Arduino copy of the famous Datong D70 morse tutor.
Full information including the schematic and Arduino Sketch is here:
I have been having fun with the JA2NKD Arduino, AD9850 and 2.2″ TFT VFO – destined for use with once of my Bitx40s. I also notice that using a similar circuit Matsuura Ryuu has made available the code for his RF Analyzer incorporating a signal generator, power meter, frequency response visualizer and HF antenna analyzer – this looks very interesting. My initial testing with both sketches and my breadboard prototyping looks very promising (see below). I also noticed that another Japanese amateur, Akio Mizuno JA2GQP, is offering a similar VFO circuit but this time replacing he AD9850 with and si5351a (using one of the spare clocks this si5351 variant also includes a BFO – very nice and similar to something I have seen Paul Darlington M0XPD do with the Si5351a (details on his blog and also see here for the production version:
An updated version with touch panel display is here: Homebrew Radio JA2NKD: VFO Controller 8.0 (Aruduino Due with touch panel) (30 Jun 2020)
More details to follow including the schematic and Arduino sketch