There were two contests I wanted to take part in this weekend but other commitments prevented a serious entry into either, consequently I didn’t use my special contest call G2k but my normal callsign M0ICR.
The first was the BARTG RTTY Sprint, I’m sad not to have managed a proper entry this year as it’s a contest I’ve enjoyed in the mast. In the end I managed a few minutes here and there with a total of just 50 QSO, mostly on 15m. Highlights were India, Chile and Brazil with most of the rest being QSO with USA stations.
Likewise, I couldn’t manage a full entry for the RSGB 80m/40m AFS, just 40mins operating (all on 80m) so I was pleased to rack up 110 QSO (actually 111 in the log but one is a duplicate) in the short time.