… just need to box it up!
Delighted that it worked first time, I just need to box it up now and connect it up to the GPS unit. Information on the QCX Mini is here and the GPS unit (QLG2) is here.
I’ve just been playing with the QCX on WSPR and very happy to see my signals being received in Antarctica.

See my other post for the adventures tracking the MV Polar Stern (polar resupply and research ship) as she headed south on my first QCX Mini (on 40m) here: https://m0icr.com/tracking-dp0pol-mm-as-she-heads-south
This in 12min of operating (3 calls):

As an added bonus the QCX Mini 20 also seems to work ok on 30m:

RX in Australia, 0.5W on 20m and 30m with the new QCX Mini

Both receivers in the German Neumayer III Antarctic Station receiving me on 30m!